Bulgaria hosts the highest percentage of centenarians in the world, greater than Japan and other western countries. The world regards this achievement to the yogurt that Bulgarians consume, the very composition of which is known to keep one healthy throughout his/her lifetime.
The ties between Bulgaria and yogurt date back to the Roman times. Even today, Bulgarian yogurt with its unique taste is said to be the best in the entire world. Bulgaria's organic, full-fat yogurt, which is full of good bacteria, protein, and calcium but low in sugar, has numerous health benefits. The bacteria in yogurt is said to protect the body from toxins, infections, allergies, and many types of cancer. In Bulgaria, Yogurt is a staple food, so much that it is consumed like you’d consume jam or butter with bread or may be ketchup or eggs.
The two particular bacteria in the composition of Bulgarian yogurt are called the Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and Streptococcus Thermophilus. The Bulgaricus strand of live culture is the most beneficial in supporting one’s health. It is the probiotic nature of this Yogurt that makes it a clear winner among all other variants. Probiotics are powerful microbes that are proven to be essential for supporting one's digestive system, increasing vitality, and flushing out bad bacteria from the body therefore supporting the immune system.