Why you should shift to starter culture for making Yogurt?

Probiotic Yogurt

Easy, Easier, Easiest

With starter culture, you can make yogurt at home. Its so easy to make that even the man of the house or the child of the house can make this for you. Just boil milk, let it cool down and then add starter culture to it. That’s it!

PRO TIP: Now you know how you can pamper your mother / wife.

Healthy hai!!

A starter culture is composed of 2 bacteria- Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are good for health. The good bacteria aka Probiotics are good for health, they boost immunity and ease digestion. That is why, one must include good bacterias in diet.

Probiotic Yogurt
Probiotic Yogurt

Long shelf life

The yogurt made using starter culture lasts for upto 7 days, without compromising on the texture and the taste when proper cold chain is maintained. So, making yogurt is now a once in a week affair. Can it get any better?
The concept of starter culture is very prevalent all across the world and its time we, the Indian audience adapt to the concept. EkoYogurt starter culture is cultivated, packed and dispatched from the land of long life, Bulgaria. Bulgarian yogurt is renowned in the world owing to its properties of rendering thick, creamy yogurt. Bulgarian goodness coupled with fresh taste, a promise of health and a long shelf life comes your home.
Go ahead. Fuse, Freeze, Feast! Repeat!

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